Movements + Good Habits - Air Squat

squatting is something that everyone does every day, whether one realizes it or not.  Surprising? Try this: sit down. Now, stand back up.  Look, you just did a squat!  Not only are squats something we use for daily function, they are also a great tool in building strength.  Before we delve deeper in to the strength benefits of a squat, let's cover the movement pattern without any equipment, a move we call an "air squat".

Like all movements, anatomy and mobility will factor into how you perform the squat.  In the video below, Coach Steff + Pat take you through a standard movement pattern.  If you would like help with figuring out YOUR stance in your squat, or YOUR technique for this movement, please do not hesitate to ask.  We are here to help you perform this movement as efficiently as possible

Step by Step

  1. Set your feet. Begin with your feet placed about shoulder width apart.

  2. Rotate feet out.  Duck your toes out (about a 30 degree angle) to ensure that your knee path will push outwards.  This also helps to prevent your knees from caving inward.

  3. Pull shoulder back. Squeeze shoulder blades together to engage back to keep from slouching forward.  Some will put their arms up at a 45° angle to help with squeezing the shoulders back.  This action will also help with counter balance.

  4. Big belly breath.  Take a deep breath in through your stomach to stabilize your mid-line.

  5. Push hips back then down.  Push your hips back then down dropping your hips down toward the ground.  While this is happening push your knees outward.

  6. Chest open.  While descending down keep your chest pressed out and up.

  7. Hip crease below knee.  The bottom of the squat is found where your hip crease descends just below the top of your knees.  While at the bottom keep your hips pushed back to avoid your tailbone tucking underneath you (known as a "butt wink"), putting you in a position that could injure yourself.

  8. Drive upward and squeeze your butt.  Pushing through your foot arch and heel of your foot, drive your body upward.  Chest should maintain its upright and open position as you ascend.  Once you reach full extension of your legs, squeeze your butt at this top position to ensure that you are completely upright and reset your hips before the next rep.
