Movements + Good Habits - Bracing

Bracing your core is critical for strong lifts and a safe body position. By following the steps outlined in the video, you can work to build midline strength and control your breathing. If you feel WAY off base, know that this positioning may take a few smaller steps in between and may require additional rolling, stretching and strengthening along the way. Progress is progress and we're happy to see you working toward that. 

Set your feet. Stance should be hip-width apart, weight distributed evenly flat on the ground.

  1. Rotate your feet out. Build tension by outwardly rotating your feet opposite each other and engaging your quads, keeping your legs long. 

  2. Squeeze your butt! Rotate your hips underneath you and squeeze to maintain this position.

  3. Keep your ribs "quiet".  Pull the bottom rib toward the top of your hip bones. Try to limit the amount your ribs flare from the bottom. 

  4. Breath deep into your BELLY. (notice Coach Steff corrects this even though the breath initiates in her chest). Use your outward breath to increase the abdominal squeeze while still being able to breath. 

  5. Pull your shoulders back and down.  Secure them in that position by squeezing your shoulder blades together and using your lats to pull the shoulders down.  There should be a stretch in your traps and neck should be elongated. 

  6. Neutral head position.  Let your head "go neutral" into a natural, forward position. 

Try doing this for a total of a 2-minute hold and apply this to your workouts!