Movements + Good Habits - Pushups

When done correctly, the pushup is much more than just a chest-training movement; don't feel surprised if you feel fatigued in your hips, core, shoulders and chest after a couple of these reps. Try completing a few of these technical reps, increasing your range of movement each time through!

Set your hands. Width should locate your hands and wrists directly below your shoulders with fingers spread wide.

  1. Rotate your hands outward. Build tension by outwardly rotating your hands opposite each other against the floor as if you were opening two opposing jars with your palms. This helps to engage your arms, shoulders and lats. Arms should stay long.

  2. Squeeze your butt! Rotate your hips underneath you and squeeze to maintain this position, exactly the same as you do in the bracing queues.The small of your low back should slightly press toward the ceiling without letting your butt poke upward. 

  3. Breath deep into your BELLY. Use your outward breath to increase the abdominal squeeze while still being able to breath. 

  4. Lower chest toward the floor. During the decent with your chest leading toward the floor, keep your elbows tucked near your ribs. Maintain control of your core by squeezing your core, butt and inner thighs together. 

  5. Press out with power. Once your chest is approximately 1-2" from the floor, maintain tension but press with power out of the floor. Use the power of your breath out while pushing out of the bottom position. Consider that you're pushing the world down, not pushing your body up. Maintain the SQUEEZE throughout the movement.

Good luck to you in your lifts and we are happy to help provide additional information as it pertains to PUSHUPS.